You Will Not Be Contacted Again Quote

Motivate your teams by making sure that you hang some of these inspirational quotes on the walls of your contact centre.

A picture of a Roger Stauchbach quote

1. "There are no traffic jams along the actress mile." – Roger Staubach

ii. "Satisfaction is a rating. Loyalty is a brand." – Shep Hyken

3. "Exercise what y'all do so well that they will want to see it once again and bring their friends." – Walt Disney

four. "Quality in a service or product is not what you lot put into it. It is what the customer gets out of it." – Peter Drucker

5. "Make a customer, not a sale." – Katherine Barchetti

An image with the world map draw on a closed pair of hands. Besides it is a quote by Harvey MacKay "The is place in the world for any business that takes care of its customers- after the sale".

6. "There is place in the world for any business that takes care of its customers – subsequently the auction." – Harvey MacKay

7. "You'll never have a product or cost reward over again. They can exist as well hands duplicated. Only a strong customer service culture cannot be copied." – Jerry Fritz

8. "Our mental attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us." – Earl Nightingale

nine. "How you lot remember about your client influences how you respond to them." – Marilyn Suttle

10. "If people believe they share values with a company, they volition stay loyal to the brand" – Howard Schultz

A red love heart with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care."

xi. "People don't intendance how much you know until they know how much y'all care." – Theodore Roosevelt

12. "It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages." – Henry Ford

thirteen. "A brand is no longer what nosotros tell the customer it is – it is what customers tell each other it is." – Scott Cook

14. "Customers will never love a visitor until the employees dear information technology first." – Simon Sinek

15. "If you lot are not taking care of your customer, your competitor volition." – Bob Hooey

A quote surrounded by glitter: "Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

16. "Nothing is so contagious every bit enthusiasm." – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

17. "Beingness on par in terms of price and quality only gets you into the game. Service wins the game." – Tony Alessandra

eighteen. "When you lot serve the customer better, they always return on your investment." – Kara Parlin

19. "Ask your customers to exist function of the solution, and don't view them as part of the problem." – Alan Weiss

twenty. "Courteous handling volition make a customer a walking advertisement." – J. C. Penny

A clock in the backgorund, with a quote from Vince Lombardi "It takes months to find a customer... seconds to lose one."

21. "Information technology takes months to find a customer… seconds to lose one." – Vince Lombardi

22. "Be genuine. Be remarkable. Be worth connecting with." – Seth Godin

23. "The customer is why we are here. If we take good care of them, they'll give us good reason to come back." – Jenny McKenzie

24. "Great customer service doesn't hateful that the customer is always correct, it ways that the customer is ever honoured." – Chris LoCurto

25. "The goal of a visitor is to have client service that is not just the all-time simply legendary." – Sam Walton

A crossing sign with the quote from Chip Bell: "Customers who are merely satisfied remain your customers only as long as everything goes their way".

26. "Customers who are merely satisfied remain your customers only as long as everything goes their style." – Chip Bong

27. "A brand for a visitor is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to exercise hard things well." – Jeff Bezos

28. "Excellent firms don't believe in excellence – only in constant improvement and constant alter." – Tom Peters

29. "Customers don't await yous to be perfect. Merely they do expect y'all to fix things when they get wrong." – Donald Porter

30. "People will soon forget what you said. They will NEVER forget how you lot made them feel." – Dr Maya Angelou

quote from Clare Muscutt "Building a good customer experience does not happen by accident. It happens by design".

31. "Edifice a good client experience does non happen by accident. Information technology happens past design." – Clare Muscutt

32. "Companies designed for success in the 20th century won't be successful in the 21st"– Kevin Howard

33. "Ane customer well taken intendance of could exist more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertisement."– Jim Rohn

34. "Management is doing thing right; leadership is doing the right things." – Peter Drucker

35."The key is to prepare realistic customer expectations, and then not to only encounter them, only to exceed them — preferably in unexpected and helpful means." – Richard Branson

Quote from Doug Warner:"In the world of Internet Customer Service, it's important to remember your competitor is only one click away".

36. "In the world of Net Client Service, it's important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away." – Doug Warner

37. "The more you lot appoint with customers, the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should exist doing." – John Russell

38. "Every 24-hour interval we're saying, 'How tin can we keep the customer happy? How tin we become alee in innovation past doing this?'… because if nosotros don't, somebody else will."– Pecker Gates

39. "The purpose of a business is to create and go along customers." – Theodore Levitt

40. "If you're not serving the customer, your job is to exist serving someone who is." – Jan Carlzon

A man in boxing attire with a quote from Tom Knighton: "Customer experience is the next competitive battleground. It's where business is going to be won or lost."

41. "Customer feel is the next competitive battlefield. It's where business concern is going to be won or lost." – Tom Knighton

42."The customer's perception is your reality." – Kate Zabriskie

43. "Every contact we accept with a customer influences whether or not they'll come back. Nosotros have to exist great every fourth dimension or nosotros'll lose them." – Kevin Stirtz

44. "We are what nosotros repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is non an human action but a habit." – Aristotle

45. "After-sales service is more of import than assistance before sales. It is though such service that 1 gets permanent customers." – Kōnosuke Matsushita

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." – Robert Collier

46. "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated twenty-four hours in and day out." – Robert Collier

47. "Revolve your world effectually the client and more than customers volition circumduct around you." – Heather Williams

48. "Consumers are statistics. Customers are people." – Stanley Marcus

49. "The magic 'mind reading' anticipatory service phrase is: 'If that was me, what would I want?'" – Steve Cokkinias

50. "Agreement what customers do allows you to predict what they will do adjacent." – Colin Shaw

picture of speech bubbles, with the quote "one thing talk can't accomplish, however, is communication. This is because everybody's talking too much to pay attention to what anyone is saying by P.J.O'Rourke

51. "One thing talk can't achieve, however, is communication. This is because everybody'south talking too much to pay attention to what anyone else is saying." – P. J. O'Rourke

52. "Most people practise not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply." – Stephen R. Covey

53. "In that location are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." – Benjamin Disraeli

54. "Look later on the client and the business concern will take care of itself." – Ray Kroc

55. "If you are tuned out of your own emotions, you lot volition exist poor at reading them in other people." – Daniel Goleman

A picture of a Warren Buffett quote

56. "Focus on your customer and lead your people equally though their lives depend on your success." – Warren Buffett

57. "You need to become to the time to come, ahead of your customers, and be set up to greet them when they arrive." – Marc Benioff

58. "When dealing with people, call back yous are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion." – Dale Carnegie

59. "Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a thing of witting choice, and discipline." – James C. Collins

60. "Motivation comes from working on things nosotros care about. It also comes from working with people we care about." – Sheryl Sandberg

A picture of a Eric Ries quote

61. "We must learn what customers actually want, not what they say they want or what nosotros think they should want." – Eric Ries

62. "If you cannot practise bully things, do pocket-sized things in a great fashion." – Napoleon Colina

63. "You can choose courage or y'all can choose comfort. You cannot have both." – Brené Brown

64. "Failure is not the opposite of success; it's role of success." – Arianna Huffington

65. "In the long arc of time, yous are only relevant if customers honey y'all." – Tim Cook

A picture of a Christopher Voss quote

66. "Body linguistic communication and tone of vocalisation – non words – are our nigh powerful cess tools." – Christopher Voss

67. "The idea is to go from numbers to information to agreement." – Hans Rosling

68. "Expecting people to reflect the productivity patterns of mechanism is crazy if we besides expect them to exist creative, present and engaged." – Martin Hill-Wilson

69. "My definition of 'innovative' is providing value to the customer." – Mary Barra

seventy. "Civilisation in a company is: how do people behave when you're not looking." – Ben Horowitz

A picture of a Tony Hsieh quote

71. "Client service shouldn't just be a department, it should be the unabridged company." – Tony Hsieh

72. "Leaders must exemplify integrity and earn the trust of their teams through their everyday actions." – Marillyn Hewson

73. "If you wonder what getting and keeping the right employees has to exercise with getting and keeping the right customers, the answer is everything." – Frederick Reichheld

74. "Finish doing impaired things to customers." – Peter Massey

75. "The rules of customer feel management haven't inverse all that much. You lot still need to be proactive, preventative and personal." – John Goodman

A picture of a Jay Baer quote

76. "Client service is the new marketing, it'south what differentiates 1 business organization from another." – Jay Baer

77. "Companies must realize that they are no longer competing against the guy down the street… they're competing with every other experience a customer has." – Dan Gingiss

78. "We all talk, just we don't really know how." – Elizabeth Stokoe

79. "The customer is oft wrong, but information technology'southward our task to help them become right." – Jeff Toister

lxxx. "Client experiences that eliminate confusion, uncertainty and anxiety reap the rewards, generating a competitive reward, loyalty and a peerless brand image." – Matt Watkinson

A picture of a Gary Vaynerchuk quote

81. "I think of customer service as an offence and not a defense force." – Gary Vaynerchuk

82. "What looks similar resistance is often a lack of clarity." – Chip Heath

83. "In a world where products and services are condign more and more commoditized, customer experience is the only true differentiator." – Annette Franz

84. "The aim is to get someone to want to buy quickly. Without thinking too much nigh it." – Robert B. Cialdini

85. "Unless you lot have a vision, you oasis't begun to do the practice that makes you dandy." – Angela Duckworth

A picture of a Betsy Sanders quote

86. "Service, in brusk, is not what yous do, but who you lot are." – Betsy Sanders

87. "The best class of client service is self-service. Constantly empower customers to go their own answers themselves." – Dan Pena

88. "Important achievements require a articulate focus, all-out endeavor, and a abysmal body full of strategies." – Carol S. Dweck

89. "Customer service, they say, is expressionless. Actually, it isn't. Information technology's just hiding behind a telephone call centre in Manila." – Timothy Noah

90. "The all-time performers ready goals that are not almost the upshot only about the process of reaching the effect." – Geoff Colvin

A picture of a Jeanne Bliss quote

91. "Customers who honey you lot will market for you lot more than powerfully than you can possibly market yourself." – Jeanne Bliss

92. "Every single argue about every single decision was framed around doing the right affair for the customer." – Ronan Dunne

93. "Sell good trade at a reasonable profit, treat your customers like human beings and they'll e'er come dorsum for more than." – L.50. Bean

94. "Customers frequently know more nearly your products than you do. Use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for product development." – David J. Greer

95. "A brand is what a business does, reputation is what people remember." – Ted Rubin

A picture of a Leon Gorman quote

96. "Customer service is merely a day in, solar day out ongoing, never ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate, type of activity." – Leon Gorman

97. "The cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of a error." – Million Whitman

98. "Equally a leader, it is important to non just see your own success but focus on the success of others." – Sundar Pichai

99. "Customers don't intendance almost your policies. Find and engage the demand. Tell the client what you can do." – Alice Sesay Pope

100. "Always deliver more than than expected." – Larry Page

To find contact centre-specific quotes, read our page: Top 25 Call Centre Motivational Quotes

For more idea-provoking client service guidance, read our articles:

  • The Top 10 Customer Service Strategies That Stand the Test of Time
  • How to Achieve Excellent Customer Service Through Coaching
  • What "Going the Extra Mile" Actually Means in Client Service


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